Just a one woman show

Always full of creative energy I was fortunate to be born into a family who instilled an appreciation for art and gave me the resources to explore different art adventures. 

In high school I was gifted with an exceptional art teacher who expected more than just casual interest and pushed me to focus and set goals. I loved clay and was recognized as a serious student and given further opportunities to study under local ceramic artists.

The foundation of my love for 3-dimensional art was clay and I continued my art studies in collage working for the art department as a student aide. I worked with professors as a clay pugger, glaze mixer, fine art slide librarian and more. Having the respect and friendship of these professors and student staff workers was an amazing experience and encouraged me to walk a creative path.

Once out on my own and with limited space to create, I became intrigued with natural rocks and gemstones (the gateway objects of many a metal worker). With just a few tools, supplies and a book on wire working I was able to take the first steps into what has become a lifelong journey of learning, creating and nurturing friendships with other artists.

Jewelry and art are the side hustle to my 30+ year carrier as a food stylist, an opportunity that opened at the perfect time in my life. It has been a blessing and a privilege to work in a field with so many talented people. Honestly, so many amazing and creative folks! If you are curious, my website is Peg Blackley food stylist

Today I have a small home studio and am the only voice behind the brand. I still freelance as a food stylist and work in my studio on off days. My husband and I have 2 amazing adult children and Cooper, our sweet Georgia brown pup. We split our time between our home in Decatur and our tiny cabin in the North Ga. Mountains. 

Life is full!


 Cooper, my studio companion!